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EDC Minutes 02-24-2010

MINUTES                                                                        FEBRUARY 24, 2010
MADDEN ROOM                                                                           TOWN HALL

PRESENT:  Chairperson Louise Neary, Jan Murtha, Sue Burnham, Joseph Carino, James Murray, Dwight Johnson, Mark Lillis, Edwina Futtner and Alternate William Jodice
ABSENT: Linda Jeski, Marilyn Morrison and Alternates Roseann Williams, John Mitchell and Joseph Kennedy
ALSO PRESENT:  EDC Consultant Craig Stevenson
  • Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Neary called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.
  • Roll Call: Chairperson Neary introduced the above-mentioned members.
  • Public Participation: None.
  • Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of 01/27/2010: A motion was made by Commissioner Murtha and seconded by Commissioner Burnham to approve the minutes of January 27, 2010 with the following corrections: add Commissioner Burnham’s name to those present, change the word ‘board’ to ‘commission’ under item 7. and add the word ‘he’ to item 8. ‘…to see if ‘he’ thinks…’ and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

  • Old Business:
CT Studios Update: Chairperson Murtha asked if commissioners received the report that was supposed to be left for the last meeting and members confirmed that they did.

  • Committee Report:
Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison-Water Pollution Control Authority: Commissioner Carino reported that the meeting was cancelled again due to lack of applications and noticed that other commissions have slowed in their activity. Chairperson Murtha stated that business is slow in the banking community also. Commissioner Carino reported that the construction of the new facility is moving forward.
Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham-Discover South Windsor:  Chairperson Neary nor Commissioner Burnham attended the last joint meeting. Commissioner Burnham attended the marketing meeting and it was decided that there will not be a photo contest but instead have a trivia contest. The committee will ask local businesses and community groups to submit questions. Commissioner Burnham also reported that the hits on the website have increased to about 700 hits and are close to reaching the 1,000 mark. The local college will be asked to look at ways to get more advertising from local businesses and sponsorship spots. The photos on the site will be updated shortly.

  • Communications and Remarks:
Report from Craig Stevenson, Economic Development Consultant: Mr. Stevenson handed out copies of the recent press release that was sent out. The financing for the CT Studios project is coming together and will most likely come before the commission with the incentive proposal. Mr. Stevenson believes that it may end up being just a tax abatement which would make their financing a little short. A tax incremental financing agreement might also be implemented to cover infrastructure improvements. The obligation would be completed in about twelve to fourteen years and the money is much less than originally thought.  Commissioner Murray asked if a bond would be obtained to secure the financing. Mr. Stevenson stated that the funding is being privately secured. Commissioner Carino asked if an agreement of this type is a first for South Windsor and if it would be used again. Mr. Stevenson stated that it is a first, but the town may use this type of financing for another project of this magnitude in the future. Commissioner Murray would like to know who is providing the financing in order to make a decision. Mr. Stevenson stated that he cannot divulge the information at this time but that the information will be provided before the commission is asked to vote on the tax abatement. Mr. Stevenson will most likely give the information at the next meeting and the commission can decide to vote at the next meeting or wait until the next meeting. Commissioner Murtha suggested finding out if the meeting can go into Executive Session to discuss the financial information. Commissioner Lillis asked for Chairperson Neary to investigate if the lack of information is a violation of FOI and Mr. Stevenson stated that information relating to economic development is not part of FOI. The site plan is supposed to be filed on Friday and if it is, then the published schedule will proceed as planned. Construction trailers will be placed on site by the end of March. Chairperson Neary shared the article from the Journal Inquirer showing the updated proposed site plan showing the movement of the activity closer to Route 5. The main entrance to the site has been moved from Ellington Road to Chapel Road but there will be an alternate access on Ellington Road. The Shepherd property is no longer included in the plan because there is a vernal pool and State funds cannot be used for that portion. The Shepherd family can still develop it in the future. Commissioner Johnson stated that the project has become smaller and they are still asking for help. Mr. Stevenson stated that the only thing that has changed is that the ‘big box’ retail store is not coming. Commissioner Johnson is concerned about the restaurants that are currently in town.  Mr. Stevenson stated that the Chamber of Commerce supports the project and looks at it as a boon to the community. Commissioner Lillis asked about the planned timeline and Mr. Stevenson stated that there are two things that need to be done; a position by the EDC and a position by the Redevelopment Agency need to be made public. Commissioner Lillis asked when more financial information will be available. Mr. Stevenson stated that there will be no bonding for this project.  Commissioner Lillis wants to know when the confidential documents will be available for review and Mr. Stevenson stated he will check with the Town Manager about when the information will be available. Commissioner Murray asked who the bond counsel is and Mr. Stevenson stated that it is Robinson & Cole. Mr. Stevenson has been meeting with a committee from the Chamber that supports the project.
Mr. Stevenson reported that the tax abatement proposal from NuWay Tobacco was reduced.
Mr. Stevenson reported that Carla’s Pasta is working on an expansion plan.
Mr. Stevenson reported that Evergreen Walk is working on a hotel/conference center, residential area and retail component. There was a meeting with State economic development recently.
Mr. Stevenson is working with an office furniture store and they are interested in several properties in town.
Mr. Stevenson reported that Hi-G is about ready to submit a grant application with the State to deal with the Brownfield situation. Chairperson Neary asked if the location will limit the parking availability. Mr. Stevenson stated that a purchase agreement needs to be worked out to purchase land that is currently leased.
Commissioner Lillis asked if a tax abatement could be given to the office furniture company but Mr. Stevenson stated that South Windsor’s parameters do not allow for tax abatements for companies occupying leased buildings.
Commissioner Futtner asked about the residential portion of Evergreen Walk and Mr. Stevenson stated that it is a sure thing and that the percentage of residential has been increased.

  • New Business: Chairperson Neary reported that the Chamber will be having an awards ceremony and they need to have a response by March 17. Chairperson Neary also stated that she will be away for the April 28 meeting but Commissioner Burnham would be available for another night that week. Chairperson Neary will check the availability of rooms on the town’s calendar and a meeting date will be announced next month.
  • General Discussion: Commissioner Burnham stated that the upcoming meeting in Manchester requires that Commissioners who have signed up and don’t attend decline attending the meeting in order to avoid the ten dollar attendance charge.
  • Adjournment:
A motion was made by Commissioner Murtha and seconded by Commissioner Futtner to adjourn at 8:25pm and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Potter

Approved with corrections:  item 5. should say “Chairperson Neary asked…” and item 6. should say “Chairperson Neary stated that business…” also item 6. should say “The Chamber of Commerce has a college intern this summer that will be visiting businesses to promote the website and inform businesses of its value.”   March 24, 2010